June 28. 2015
I care about others, and today I choose to express kindness and harmony in my life. I believe that people are good, people count, and life is for loving. I believe in being kind...
June 21, 2015
I choose to live a life of peace and serenity. Right now, this moment, I choose to be calm and serene. I feel the quiet contentment of peace and well-being within me. I allow...
June 14, 2015
There is One Life, and that Life is God and that life is perfect and that life is My Life now. I am a positive minded person and I see the good in all and through all. There is...
June 7, 2015
No matter what is going on around me I am anchored In a deep abiding peace. There is a stillness and a ‘knowing’ that prevails. I am here, in this present moment, remembering...
May Manifesting!
The Agape Oath of Manifestation. Originated and Created by Rev. Cheryl J. Ward OATH OF MANIFESTATION I accept and receive unexpected good, unexpected money, unexpected love,...
Green Goddess Salad
Green Goddess Salad Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 10 mins Total time: 20 mins Serves: 6 Ingredients 1/2 avocado, peeled and pitted 3/4 cup nonfat buttermilk 2 tablespoons chopped...
May 3, 2015
I accept this moment as complete right now. All that I Am and all that I will ever be is right here. There is no where else to go, I am home. I am at peace in this moment. In...
April 26, 2015
I am forever centered in the heart of God. It is right here where I am. There is nowhere else to go, for I AM Here. I am home here, in the heart of Love. I am home here, in the...
April 19th, 2015
I am still, present and awake. My inner ear is attuned to the Spirit within I hear the calls of the heart. I trust the calls of the heart. I answer the calls of the heart. I say...
April 12th, 2015
I AM the author of the greatest story ever told This story is God’s greatest good for me. Every sickness into health, Every heartbreak into love Every failure turns to triumph I...
April 5th, 2015
Today I make the choice to SEE my I let go of the past, the darkness and the unreality. I roll away the stone of misperception I come into the Light, I come into the Truth There...
March 29th, 2015
I Am in full and complete alignment with my Highest Vision God’s Vision is my Vision and I embrace it fully Everything I think, say and do is in alignment with this vision I Am...