
by Jun 21, 2023

Sound Bath Visioning for your best life! – Sunday, January 5, 2025


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Daily Affirmations

September 20, 2015

Affirmation by Ernest Holmes: The things I need come to me. Whatever I need comes to me from the All Good look at this site. Divine Intelligence working through me always knows...

September 13, 2015

I am convinced of my Divine Identity and accept my human expression. I love and approve of myself exactly as I Am. I don’t look to others for their approval but trust in my own...

September 6, 2015

From the Science of Mind text book by Ernest Holmes. The Word of my Mouth shall Bear Fruit It shall accomplish and prosper and shall not return unto me void. My Word is the Law...

August 30, 2015

There is one life and that life is God. That life is perfect, whole and complete. This Life wants to express Itself through me in a way that prospers and blesses all It touches....

August 23, 2015

I trust that life is unfolding perfectly in Divine Timing. I release all demands upon outcomes showing up in my time, and I am at peace. I release my attachment on time and space...

August 16, 2015

Bonafide Love Pro by Chris Henry I'd rather go with Agape love Bro And go to the Soul Center solo Use my 3rd eye as MY go pro while I meditate, straight with the Cosmos let my...

August 9, 2015

My heart is open and full in this moment grateful for all my blessings. I am grateful for my heart, my breath, and my body. I am grateful for my home, my shelter, my warmth and...

August 2, 2015

I release all attachment to things being different I accept what “is” and I release any blame I hold on to nothing, but remain open, clear and free Everybody is doing the best...

July 26, 2015

I choose to live my life each day, mindful of my service to others. I have an open, giving heart and I allow the Spirit to use me to bless others. I know that my growth,...

July 19, 2015

There is One Life and that Life is God and that Life is my life Now. There is no life apart from this Presence The peace, joy, love and security I seek is centered in this...

July 12, 2015

I am aware this moment of all that happening. I am aware this moment of the thoughts that arise. I am aware this moment of the feelings in the body. I am aware this moment of my...

July 5, 2015

In this moment I am free to choose a new thought. In this moment I am free to choose a new emotion. In this moment I am free to choose a new action. I am awake and aware and the...