What is SEVA?

SEVA, (the Art of Sacred Service), a concept found in many spiritual traditions, refers to the act of selflessly serving others from the heart, not the mind. SEVA embodies the truth of “When you give, you receive.”  SEVA puts the needs of others before our own, and offers our time, skills, and resources in service to humanity.

Benefits of serving include:

  • Connect with the Community
  • Expressing One’s Gifts & Talents
  • Growing & Learning

“Many hands make light work.” Our intention as a family and community is to have more than enough volunteers so that everyone can have fun serving. Ideally, we each commit to once a month (1-2 hours), however, once a quarter, every 2 weeks, or whatever fits your schedule enables the blessing of SEVA!

Volunteer Opportunities

Positions like those listed below require training. Ways you can support:

Welcome Table

Those who volunteer for the welcome table arrive at 9:30 am to  set up the welcome table. After setting up, they host the table before service, then pack up and put away the welcome table directly after service.

Door Greeter (Meditation)

This SEVA volunteer arrives by 9:45 am to greet those entering the sanctuary. At 10 am, you will close the Sanctuary door and from 10-10:28am tend the door, preventing disruption of the Meditation Service. After meditation, you will open the door for those arriving for Sunday Service. Time Requirement: approximately 45 minutes. 

Offering Angels

These individuals must be members of our community and attend our regular service. They will be called up to circulate the collection baskets. Once the offering is complete, two Usher Angels will reconcile the deposit and submit a report to the Treasurer. Time requirement: Approximately 30 minutes per Sunday.

Inside Set-up and Take-down

These individuals arrive by 9:30 am and will make sure the Sanctuary is setup for service. This position requires turning stage lighting, making sure tissues are in their place, and that chairs and cleanliness are appropriate. Time requirement: Approximately 20 minutes before Meditation service and 15 minutes after regular service.

Remote Positions (volunteer from home)

We have certain Seva opportunities for members who live outside the area, or simply prefer volunteer from home. These duties include online YouTube editing and other types of administrative jobs. 

Youth Services (Support)

Individuals interested in serving as assistants to the Children’s Program Facilitator must appreciate the company of children and be open to a government background check. Duties include shepherding for safety, and supporting setup and breakdown as needed. Time requirement: Approximately one hour and 20 minutes per Sunday Service.


Any individuals, especially those with fundraising skills and backgrounds who enjoy creating mindful fundraising events, can exercise their gifts and talents to support Soul Center ministry and community in creating and running events to fortify our financial needs and goals.

Audio Visual (Livestream Team)

Two types of people are needed for this team. 1) Those who can attend service and run the live stream cameras for both our meditation and regular service. Training is provided. 2) Those with IT and social media skills Time requirement: Approximately two hours per Sunday service includes attending meditation and regular service).


Community Members that are comfortable both in front of a camera and before a live audience, who have strong speaking and script reading skills, and can project are welcome to serve. Time requirement: Approximately 10 minutes during Sunday service and any practice time you need beforehand. Announcements are emailed to individuals 12 – 24 hours prior to Sunday service.


If you have a skill, talent, or wisdom in areas that you feel could benefit Soul Center that you would like to offer “behind the scenes” (not during a Sunday service), please feel free to let us know.

I want to be part of the team