World of Prayer – 6 Week Online Class – September 2024

You’ve Been Called! by Jason D. Mitchell

by Jan 4, 2018Uncategorized0 comments



Your life has a purpose. That purpose isn’t to make money as an attorney or teacher, to purchase a big house or fly clothes or even to drive an expensive car. You might do any or all of these things in your life but it isn’t your purpose. Often we hear the word passion tied to the idea of our purpose. I don’t disagree with that but let’s take a different approach. Think of a time you heard someone call your name out. They weren’t just shouting your name but they were calling you in such a way that you knew to come running. Maybe you mom or dad was ready to go and they shouted out (insert your name here) and you came running. It wasn’t just that it was time to go, you knew within yourself that you needed to be there and you dropped what you were doing, hopped up and off you went – running toward the one who called you.

You’ve been called forth in this life and maybe you don’t know what you’re called to just yet. It isn’t always about a career or profession. It could be about being a parent, or being a friend. It could be a community volunteer effort or using a particular gift seeking to be expressed in an alternative way; that Creativity is inspiring. Within you there is a space that is always listening to the call of the Universe. The Creator called you forth into existence “for such a time as this.” You weren’t born too soon or too late. When you’re willing to make the inquiry…”what is my purpose?” the answer will already be on it’s way to you. You must be willing to hear, beyond any limited idea you already have for yourself. Tune in to the innermost part of your being and listen from that space within you that has no resistance and no desire. This place is your willingness to surrender to the call.

Will you answer the call?

In service to love,
Jason D. Mitchell, ALSP