
by Jun 7, 2023


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Volunteer At Soul Center
Discover the meaning of “Seva”, the Art of Sacred Service: Serving from the heart, not the mind. Understand the truth of “When you give, you receive”
Benefits of serving include:
• Connect with Others, Gaining Friends & Family
• Expressing Your Gifts & Talents
• Growing & Learning New Things
“Many hands make light work.” Our intention is to have more than enough volunteers so that everyone can have fun serving. Our ideal commitment is once a month (1-2 hours), however, once a quarter, every 2 weeks, or whatever fits your schedule!

Training will be provided for all positions.

What we need help with:

Welcome Table
 – This position requires arriving at 9:30am to setup the welcome table. Everything you need is in a mobile (rolling cart) box. Those who volunteer for the welcome table will set up and host the table before service, and pack up the table items directly after service. Time requirement: Approximately 30 minutes before service and 15 minutes after service.

Meditation Door Greeter
 – This individual must arrive and be ready to serve the post by 9:45am. From 9:45-10:00am You will greet those entering the sanctuary and at 10:00am when Meditation begins you will close the Sanctuary door. From 10:00-10:28am you will tend the door to make sure meditation does not get disrupted. After meditation at approximately 10:28am you will open the door for those arriving for our regular service. Time Requirement: Approximately 45 minutes per Sunday

Offering (collection baskets) Usher Angels – These individuals must be present towards the end of our regular service and will be called up to circulate the collection baskets. Ushers will keep an eye on the offering baskets making sure they circulate. Once the offering is complete two individuals will reconcile ( fill out the report ) the deposit that is then given to the Treasurer. 
Time requirement: Approximately 30 minutes per Sunday

Inside Set-up and Take-down
 – These individuals must arrive by 9:30am and will be responsible to unpack and repack the sanctuary altar table decor, and put up and take down the temporary backdrop curtains. This position requires getting the box of materials, usually the week before, and bringing the items with you for set up. Time requirement: Approximately 20 minutes before Meditation service and 15 minutes after regular service.

Support with Youth Services
 – These individuals must like to be around children and be open to a government background check. They will serve only in assistance to the Children’s Program Facilitator to help keep an eye for safety, and support with set up and breakdown needed during their time. Time requirement: Approximately one hour an 20 minutes per Sunday Service.

 – Any individual, especially those with fundraising skills and backgrounds, that enjoy creating mindful fundraising events. They will support Soul Center in creating and running events to fortify our financial needs and goals.

Audio Visual (Live Stream Team)
 – Two types of people are needed for this team. 1) Those who can attend service and run the live stream cameras for both our meditation and regular service. Training is provided. 2) Someone with IT skills including good understanding computer language, systems and apps such as YouTube, Vimeo, Social media outlets, Wifi Connections etc.. Time requirement: Approximately two hours per Sunday service. (this includes attending meditation and regular service)

 – Individuals that are comfortable in front of a camera and a live audience; have good speaking skills that can project, and are good at reading from a script like a newscaster. Time requirement: Approximately 10 minutes during Sunday service and any practice time you need beforehand. Announcements are emailed to individuals 12 – 24 hours prior to Sunday service.

Miscellaneous – If you have a skill, talent or wisdom in areas that you feel could benefit Soul Center that you would like to offer “behind the scenes” (not during a Sunday service), please feel free to let us know.

To be of Service, or if you have questions: Please contact Birgit Beaudette – email: Birgitderigo@hotmail.com or cell: 949-463-5090. If contacting by email, please reference Soul Center Sacred Seva Volunteer in the subject line.

*We respectfully request that individuals volunteer at a level that they feel confident they can honor and fulfill. Whether that is once a week, every two weeks or once a month. We appreciate your support and look forward to your joyful participation in sacred seva at Soul Center.