The Truly Unlimited Life by Kim Stanwood Terranova, ALSP

by Aug 15, 2018Uncategorized


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

The Truly Unlimited Life

Life is an adventure.  A truly unlimited life is an adventure into the unknown!   If we choose, we can be conscious, willing adventurers that seize all the possibilities before us.  It all depends on where we hold our attention, in what we believe.  From our belief, we create.  So, let us create from the knowing that all sense of limitation is false and that  unlimited living is our birthright.

Limitation is a perception, because as we know, we live in an unlimited world.  As you look out into the world, if you look closely, you will see creation sprouting forth in so many ways!  The depth of the ocean is unlimited, the sky above is unlimited, and nature itself is completely unlimited!  Spirit is unlimited in all its creation and we are one with Spirit.  If I ever begin to forget and fall into the trap of limitation, the best solution is for me to immediately get myself out into nature. I hike, I walk, or sometimes I just sit and observe the ease and grace in which all the ways the Earth keeps creating.  I then remember again that all is well and abundant.  If I am one with God, which I know I am, then I am able to tap into the abundance, the unlimited nature of God.  This is where I choose to live.  It is our job to push through any illusion of limitation and see the unlimited opportunities that lie before us.  When we remember that we live in an unlimited world, then we will mold our choices and create a truly unlimited life!

So what are you choosing to create today?  A life of limitation or a full experience of unlimited living?   Remember that adventure awaits you at every turn, and you deserve to live an unlimited life now!


I boldly stand in the adventure of life as I accept unlimited possibilities around each turn.

Kim Stanwood Terranova

Excerpt from Agape International Spiritual Center’s daily inspiration ‘Inner Visions’, 7.10.2016.

“We are here to align our personal laws of life with the cosmic laws governing the universe and thereby flourish.”
Michael Bernard Beckwith, Spiritual Liberation