the oath of manifestation by rev cheryl ward

by Jun 19, 2023


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

the oath of manifestation by rev cheryl ward
The Oath of Manifestation
by Rev. Dr. Cheryl Ward.
I accept and receive unexpected good, unexpected money, unexpected love, unexpected kindness, unexpected generosity, unexpected offers, unexpected prosperity coming in unexpected ways from unexpected places in my life and the life of others.

I am constantly guided, and boldly empowered, to receive the lavish abundance of the Universe!

I accept the Principle that abundance and prosperity have already been given to me.

My acceptance makes it real and opens the space for manifestation to rush in!

I open wide the doors of my consciousness to receive and to give! It IS done now!

Through this Oath of Manifestation ALL things are possible!

I declare, absolutely that I live in a friendly Universe that is always providing for me. I feel it powerfully happening now!

I open to receive more abundance, and to give more abundance, than I have ever experienced before!

I can afford anything I desire! In fact, I am so prosperous I need never worry again!

I am grateful for all that I already have, and grateful for all that I am ready to give!

I keep myself lifted in high consciousness, no matter what the appearances are!

God is all there is! I let the God-times roll!

And so IT IS!