Our Vision

by May 30, 2023


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Our Vision
Share our Vision with us

Our vision is as a world class Spiritual Center in Orange County, CA affiliated with The Agape International Spiritual Center and the teachings of Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith. We gather together to Express, Experience, Celebrate and Deepen into the Infinite Intelligence and Infinite Love that is God in a direct and individualized way.

Soul Center OC is an Interfaith and transdenominational Spiritual Community that embraces New Thought / Ageless Wisdom / Universal Truth Teachings.

Our teachers and speakers have matriculated through the Agape University and are leading the mystical realm of New Thought.

The vision for our campus includes a sanctuary that inspires, tranquil meditation gardens, indoor and outdoor space for social and educational communion, space for intimate gatherings and classrooms for innovative Sunday School and trainings.

Monthly Visioning Conference Call – Second Monday of the month.

Visioning is a meditation practice that centers on Spirit’s vision for life. This is a guided meditation process that uses communion, inquiry and observation to “Capture the Vision” and see, hear, feel, sense: What is God’s idea of any given subject. The process is simple, tranquil and rewarding. Our monthly Visioning meeting is anchored in capturing the Divine idea of our beloved Spiritual community Soul Center. Click here for information on how to join. 

Soul Center Visioning Zoom (audio only) meeting Information and Link:
Topic: Soul Center Monthly Visionng Call
Time: 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Second Monday

Join Zoom Meeting

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