
by Jul 27, 2024


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month


Being a member of the Soul Center spiritual community is first and foremost honoring the Divine within and as each individual. Soul Center abides by the spiritual principles and practices that nurture everyone by supporting them with the structures that cultivate their spiritual growth. Soul Center is founded on the lineage of the New Thought teachings and practices as upheld by the Agape International Spiritual Center and are the core of our principles and curriculum.

Soul Center is a loving and inclusive spiritual community that welcomes and honors everyone from all walks of life and lifestyles. As everyone is unique, so is their spiritual path of healing and expansion into their Soulful radiance. We know the importance of meeting people where they are and offer loving spiritual support as needed on their spiritual path. As we honor this, we ask members of our community to support themselves, and each other, by observing the practices that hold us in integrity with Spirit with the following pledge of agreements:

As a member of the Soul Center community, I agree, to the best of my ability, to honor the Divine in myself and other members of the community by upholding the following:

  1. CONDUCT: I will respect the purity of my Spiritual Community by being a beneficial presence; acting in love, compassion, and kindness towards other members. I will refrain from gossip and uphold high conversations of Truth and loving understanding.I will share the purity and love of my spiritual center by holding in mind and prayer for its integrity of Spirit and warmly welcoming those who visit.
  2. FELLOWSHIP: I will participate by attending Soul Center’s Services and Events. The word Community is defined as a group of people that come together in the sharing of common interests. At Soul Center our Spiritual Community is where we come together and share nurturance in Divine fellowship with each other. We believe coming together in attendance is a vital part of the individual and collective experience of our spiritual growth. While attendance in person is wonderful for those who are local, attendance it is not limited to in-person. Remote (on-line) attendance is a wonderful way when traveling, and for our global community to experience fellowship.
  3. GROWTH: I will honor the call of my soul by participating in the evolution of my personal journey with; spiritual study, meditation, prayer, and sacred friendship. As I honor others with love, kindness, and compassionate support, I will also receive love, kindness, and compassionate support in return.
  4. SACRED SERVICE: I will support my spiritual community by participating in being of Sacred Service (volunteering) in ways that align with my Soul.
  5. TITHING: I will contribute to the sustainability, success, and growth of my spiritual center by donating (Tithing) at a level that resonates with my Soul.

In agreement with the above, I honor and sign:

Please Print your name: _________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________

Email: ____________________________________.
___ Yes, I would like to receive the Soul Center Weekly Newsletter

Phone: (                 )_____________________________.

This information is confidential and for the exclusive use of Soul Center OC. Soul Center will never share this information with any other organization or individual.


© 2024 Soul Center OC, Newport Beach, CA – Ver 1.1 – 2023