Deepening our Practice, Prayer & Meditation
This class meets you where you are in your spiritual journey and will take you deeper into your Soul. We will establish and/or refresh our practices of affirmative prayer and deepen the purity of our meditations. We will gently delve further into the principles that benevolently support us in profound experience of wellness and mindfulness. Each week in a relaxed and inspirational environment we will explore what good is seeking to express through you and expand your capacities to receive it!
This 5-week class is offered online via Zoom beginning August 18th.
Class Details:
When: 5 Consecutive weeks beginning Wednesday, August 18th 6:00-8:00pm PT
Where: Online Via Zoom
Cost: Early Registration: $158 by 8/16; Regular price: $178 as of 8/17/21
To Register visit:
*Required Reading: Practicing the Presence by Joel S. Goldsmith. (Order in Advance to have by 1st day of class)
*Full participation in this class meets requirement of the Soul Center Prayer Chaplaincy program.
You can download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Link to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 6986 9294
Passcode: 720740
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Passcode: 720740
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