Be Longing in One by Gail Klein

by Jan 29, 2021Uncategorized


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Gail Isabelle Klein

From the Agape International Spiritual Center daily Inner Visions guide.

The first month of the new year 2021 and I am contemplating Being One.  Many of us found ourselves basically alone amidst the circumstances at the end of 2020 – curiously the zero… transitioning into the One!

We have been going back to zero: sit, be still and know.  Because we can’t go out and get busy as much – distracting ourselves with events and other people.  The invitation of the zero is to go back to nothing.

And now we enter the One.  Being all one… in the One.  How do we feel at one, when we sit with ourselves day after day – many of us physically alone aside from an occasional zoom?

Here is the rub – we are all ways alone and all one in God.  What does this mean? It is one of those paradoxes of the ultimate truth.  We are never alone in Spirit – the Oneness of God – because God is everywhere.  That includes within our own cells.  Even within the space between our thoughts!  We are the One!  To be all one, is to let go of our thingness – hence we dissolve from zero – no-thing into Oneness.

To be alone amidst the longing for One is to be in that gap – between who I am and who the Beloved is.  This beloved could be a cat, a child a friend, a lover… and ultimately this Beloved is each of us.  You and I are the beloved of God – as we behold ourselves from space and open into a glimpse of a timeless ultimate state of who we are.

So this 1-2021 – let’s lean into that space of all One regardless of any situation.  And the belonging that we long for is right here in that field of the Infinite I am.  Now and always.

Gail Isabelle Klein
Agape International Spiritual Center
Daily Inspiration Guide –
Inner Visions