30+ Awe-inspiring Quotes by Rev. Michael Bernard Freeman

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Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

By Sarah Johnson on April 28th, 2013

Be a beneficial presence on the planet. Give your Gifts. Boldly go where no woman or no man has ever gone before.

Authentic gratitude is a way of life. When you wake up in the morning let your first thought be one of thanksgiving that you have another day to walk in the love of God. As you go through your day, see the Giver behind all of the gifts freely being given to you.

Today give up false mental attachments and beliefs! Free yourself from the delusion that anything external can fulfill the hunger of your soul for God-Consciousness.

Today, continue to nourish your dreams. Hold fast to your vision and do something every day to bring it into manifestation. Everything is possible in God, because God is the infinite Possibility within everything. Know that you are God’s Beloved in whom God is pleased. Never giving up on yourself is what it takes to be your own hero.
So as you are beginning your day anchor yourself in the truth. Know that all is well. Extend this to your friends, colleagues and all that you meet. That life is for YOU! It is never against you.

Today refuse to see yourself as a recipient of negative vibrations or as a victim of subtle or gross influence around you. Practice broadcasting the high vibrations of your inner radiance remembering all the while that the place upon which you stand is holy simply because you are standing there.

Your good is happening right now, even as you accept this statement of truth.
When we radiate the warmth of our love-energy, our compassion-energy on the planet, we shine the qualities of our Source!

Trust, practice, and then release yourself into the goodness of Existence and your life will prove that what you believe, you see.

Your life began in the heart & mind of the Infinite. Mentally relive the days when as a child you ran free, when there were infinite possibilities of what you could feel, accomplish, and see in the world. Allow for the energy of your remembered freedom to thunder through you, and you will free your self from the false obstacles your adult.

Silently repeat to yourself: I forgive myself for any ways in which I knowingly or unknowingly caused hurt or harm to any living being or creature. I forgive all who have ever hurt or harmed me. Everything between us is now cleared up.
Integrity is about being integrated with the spiritual values of the Universe. It is also about being happy, because happiness and joy mean that you’re coming into integrity with your soul.

If you are not thinking for yourself, someone else is thinking for you. Choose for yourself and become free from society’s undertow. The Universe is ready to support you.

If you are not consciously directing your life, you will lose your footing and circumstances will decide for you.

There’s nothing wrong with us. There’s nothing missing in us. Everything is for us and there is nothing against us. Let us remember this together.

Your technology is the inner practice of meditation, which will stimulate the link between your brain and ignite your innate desire to know your True Self. Trust yourself in a deeper way & reap the rewards!

This is our moment. This is our destiny. It’s a good destiny

It’s a wonderful destiny! God made no mistakes when God wrote the beautiful, unfolding pattern of delight as You!

The You of you is not you of your credentials. If, however, you are stuck in your personal history, you may become a “credential collector” – believing that you are defined by your business cards and degrees. Instead, attune yourself to the inner voice whispering, “Wake up! It’s time to be free and step into your true identity as an awakened being.”

When a caterpillar spins its cocoon, it goes through a transformative process and then emerges as a butterfly. Similarly, when we go through a practice of meditation and prayer, we loosen our egoic grip on a sense of self that is separate from the Whole and become vehicles of the emergent evolutionary paradigm of love, peace , compassion, wisdom, harmony and oneness that seeks expression on the planet.

Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you.

Do you press the “pause” button – the “until” button in life by saying “I can’t be happy until…”? Press the “play” button and rejoice in the nowness of the moment.

When we shift from negatively complaining to positively affirming, conditions change. Then complaining is no longer the operative law in our life-freedom is.

Stop looking outside for help. You’re sourced and fueled and funded by a renewable resource, which is within you. It never runs out. It is your Essence. It’s your life.

The answer to any challenge you are having has nothing to do with God’s willingness to help. It has to do with your acceptance of how the Infinite is already active within you, how it has already placed within you all that you need to solve and dissolve inner conflict through conscious communion with the Self.

When you make genuine contact with your inner Spirit, there is an inner joy, an inner peace, that takes over.

Stop the mental chatter about what’s wrong and what’s not complete. There is a presence of Love that is seeking to express itself through you.

When you see the world that God sees, you see a world that is loving, compassionate, and filled with individuals who live together in harmony and peace.

A spiritual intention is a resounding YES to awakening to your fullest potential. It may include several of your life structures: mental, emotional, financial, relational – because there is no aspect of your life that is not spiritual.

When you make the U-turn to the Universal Presence and apply the Universal practices and principles, your life is changed.

Grow deep roots to harvest rich fruit! When your roots run deep, you cannot help but bear the fruit of the Spirit.

Do you live in a mine field or a garden? When we live in a minefield mentality, we explode with the weeds of worry, doubt, fear, lack and limitation. Choose to cultivate your inner garden!

Stand fully in the now moment with gratitude, enthusiasm, openness, and readiness to respond to Life as it greets you.